This is a good thing, we are imprinting new (common) meanings into our words, this will make it easier to use fosh'a words in every day life(who would have used iftiradi or wahmi when talking about computers? i never have)
moi, ich, ani, me. though all of them are virtual....
I think this discussion won't lead nowhere if we don't also discuss what word to use for default. if we can solve the "default" problem, we can reach a solution for "virtual" more easily.
One thing i would not like to see: (arabic)default=(arabic)virtual. but if we can change default to some other better suited word, then iftiradi would be sure to take it's place as the rightful meaning for virtual.
so let's start:
de·fault (d
- Failure to perform a task or fulfill an obligation, especially failure to meet a financial obligation: in default on a loan.
- Law. Failure to make a required court appearance.
- The failure of one or more competitors or teams to participate in a contest: won the championship by default.
- Computer Science. A particular setting or value for a variable that is assigned automatically by an operating system and remains in effect unless canceled or overridden by the operator: changed the default for the font in the word processing program.
- A situation or condition that obtains in the absence of active intervention.
now it seems that 4a and 4b are only for computer science, which means that the world default had another meaning in english before computers emerged(1,2,3 are those meanings i guess). My arabic dictionary gives me the word "taqseer" for default, which is failure.
The word used is always associated with failure, so the guy who used this word probably thought "the default values are used in case of all other stuff fails" (restore default values) or "if the user fails to interact with the machine, we'll use those values, let's call them the default".
Now the arabic word for default(iftiradi) has something to do with guessing and supposing, which is closer to today's meaning of default(the system trying to guess the most common/safe values), which is actually a good thing IMHO.
So our problem is finding a more suitable word that "iftiradi" for default so we can use "iftiradi" for virtual and on the way there we can also change the whole arabic translation standard. In my opinion, we should use the word "Wahmi" for virtual as it comes quite close to the describtion we need(in computer science, not physics!) and i also remember that they used to say "qowah wahmeia" for virtual force(a man feels a virtual force upwards as he falls down while inside an elevator).
PS: sorry if i've taken my time to get to the point, but the argument was going nowhere as long as we keep refering to the "default==iftiradi" problem without ever diving into it. it was like seeing my bro trying to install a package while the dependency is broken and naive as he is, he never tried to check on the dependency.
With Kind Regards