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Re: Duali: dictionary progress


I apologize for replying in English, but I find it increasingly difficult to
get into the details and type in Arabic (I am extremely slow at that.)

What you are suggesting with regard to the 'harakat' or diactritics is not
really an option for the simple fact that most texts will not have all the
harakat, so it's not something we can depend on. You don't open a newspaper
and find it full of it. 

As for your other suggestion, it is certainly something that I have considered
and am actually working on. The research on the subject I have found was done
by Shereen Khoja. This process is called tagging (Part-Of-Speech Tagging),
which goes through the text and tags all the words with their grammar rules
and classification.

A word is composed of one of the following: noun, verb, particle, residual and
punctuation. Then we further classify each of them into subcategories.
The classification can be viewed as follows:

  + common
  + proper
  + pronoun
    - personal
    - relative
      -> specific
      -> common
    - demonstrative
  + numeral
    - decimal
    - ordinal
    - numerical adjective
  + adjective

  + perfect
  + imperfect
  + imperative

  + proposition
  + adverbial
  + conjunctions
  + interjections
  + exceptions
  + negative
  + subordinate
  + answers
  + explanations




Rest assured that all these considerations are being put into the design
of Duali. We don't intend to produce just a spellchecker, but the best
spellchecker ;)

Thank you _very_ much for your opinions, please do keep them coming. It is
through feedback that we know if we are doing the right thing or not.

| Mohammed Elzubeir    | Visit us at:                 |
|                      |  http://www.arabeyes.org/    |
| Arabeyes Project     | Homepage:                    |
| Unix the 'right' way |  http://fakkir.net/~elzubeir/|
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