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Translating yudit.


 I have received e-mail from  Gaspar Sinai <gsinai at yudit dot org> about 
translating yudit. If any one can do the translation, i shall be happy :)


 Here is the e-mail:

 Hi Guys,

Thank you very much for translating Yudit!

The latest betas (currently beta5)


needs the following gui translations:

# This sets the embedding of the Document
# Left-, Rright- or no-embedding.
# The text will be alignem to the left/right or depending on
# the implicit initial paragraph directionality  both.
# File: SToolBar.cpp, line: 508
msgid "Document __T__ext Embedding"
msgstr ""

# This starts an LRE / PDF or RLE /PDF explicit text embedding
# File: SToolBar.cpp, line: 510
msgid "__E__mbedding Override"
msgstr ""

# This starts an LRO / PDF or RLO /PDF explicit text embedding with
# The implicit directionality of the embeeded characters is overridden.
# File: SToolBar.cpp, line: 509
#, fuzzy
msgid "__D__irection Override"
msgstr ""

# This resets embedding of selected text, or gets out of
# current embedding.
# File: SToolBar.cpp, line: 511
msgid "__Y__ield Embedding"
msgstr ""

# This is printed when a selected text has beed converted with a
# Yield Embedding button.
# File: SYudit.cpp, line: 595
msgid "Direction of selected text has been re-set."
msgstr ""

# This is printed when the last line in the saved text file does
# not have a proper line-ending character.
# File: SYudit.cpp, line: 1221
# File: SYudit.cpp, line: 1352
msgid " Incomplete Last Line..."
msgstr ""


o The lines with #,fuzzy comment is not good because they
  indicate a mistaken translation, this comment should be removed
  from po files after chacking the translation.

o The character between underbars (__X__) will be underlined and
  will indicate the shortcut. So
   __Y__ield Embedding
  should be translated as
   csinalj vmit (__Y__)
  to kep the shortcut intact.

o As I had added HOWTO-bidi.txt I took the liberty and modified
  the FAX.TXT.in files, and updated the date. The HOWTO can also
  be invoked as
    hwoto bidi
  in the ditor window.

o I recommend RLE for beter readability for RL text translations
  but because some renderers do not support this, you may want to
  just plain translate them, not embedding them. Existing stuff
  could be un-embedded.

Thank you very much!

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