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Re: Translation: Starting Point

On Thursday 02 March 2006 08:17, Youssef CHAHIBI wrote:
> في جمعة 24 فبراير 2006 17:49, كتب ahnaqsh:
> > Yes, we really should discuss the terms, it's a great idea.
> >
> > By the way, regrading the term for shell :
> >
> > I think that  مفسر الأوامر is a brilliant idea. Interestingly, I
> > found another term today : شل !
> > What do you think of شل ? I think it's ok, but perhaps مفسر
> > الأوامر is much more obvious and to the point.
> السلام عليكم
> SHELL is برنامج وسيطي from the unified dictionary of computer
> sciences. It can't be changed unless the BCA change it. It's a
> standard.
Salam all,

I think the importance of translating to *simple* and *short*
 terms is by far more important than the perfection and correctness of 
the translation.

I urge the translators to use a word for word translation and not to go 
for long terms which describes the functionality -and some time the 
history- of the English terms. 

Not to forget that names are index for things and not physical bind to 
them, so lets make the names short and simple instead of doing it in 
two phases (first the translation then creating some short-names).

One last thing, one of the reasons prevent some arabs -including me- of 
using "word-by-word" Arabic terms is that the result is usually funny 
and sometimes stupid.

Any feedback is welcome

In peace,
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