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Re: Complete Report: Terminology, Wordlist...

Maybe munthir is true, but my concern is really about quality nothing
more nothing less, BUT I sure want to collaborate on a technical
wordlist, don't understand me wrong, I was asking ( I think last week)
about where your po went, as I really want it to get posted to the cvs
What I don't want is to be forced to use words I don't think are right,
maybe you still remember the dicussion we had before you concentrated on
At that time we were discussing nearly every terminology, word and
grammatical rule on one hand I can't go in such a discussion because of
time AND because as a human person I have to believe in something, so in
this case I believe in MY view of grammar and vocabulary on the other
hand because I think such a discussion is obsolete, every one has his
way you can only guide people help them to be more uniform not force
them to stick to everything you think is right, and because I am a
little bit HIGified ;) where I ONLY think about the user not about my
preferences... this leads to the point where I am simply afraid of
loosing my and others hard work only because of your po, where IMHO some
words are different from mine. I think your po is for sure great, I mean
you have 16000 words in it, WOW but on the other side as said I don't
agree with many of them maybe even not 50% maybe less but I still don't
That's the whole point.

Comes to that the fact that you (if you like this or not ;) want to make
something like a revolution! and I am sure you know what I mean ;)
I am not against sticking to a standard, as once I discussed it with
Mohammed, mainly I m against things which force me to do something I
don't believe in, so you can call it if you want an ideological point of
view...Where I simply find my self not free anymore and then if
something like this happens I simply don't want to work anymore... OR I
do what I want under the arabeyes rules which I accepted, or I stop if
the condictions get worser...
Ok I know very nice ppl here which I like and so maybe I'll not stop but
because of that I say what I think... And don't leave. But that's for me
the point.
And what really makes me happy now is simply that "Arabeyes's laws" give
me the best platform for my view. I said this before, I like Arabeyes so
much... I simply don't want to change it. In the direction of having
more control from outside.
I proposed before some idea to make the project go faster, start a
special project like evolution, cut down some project which are not very
active etc... But back at that time all also screamed NO and so I
respected their views as we need to be all "happy" in a way and the
peoject is not really mine I can only say idea and if the majority don't
like it I accept this becasue it's the normal way, the majority has the
last word...

Am Sam, 2003-12-06 um 02.35 schrieb cronos:
> السَّلام عليكم،
> كتب منذر طه بريشته الماسيَّة الحكيمة على ألواح عيون العرب :)
> > [...]
> It's true that sometimes it gets complicated - not from open-source side
> but the other side.
> The side which can prevent you to use part of a generic word...
> You know about the case of lindows, i think, right?
> I ask you, actually I beg you to take care of a nice baby calling you,
> crying for your delicate hands.
> This baby is screaming and yelling to find someone who care about him.
> He is smart, good-looking,
> promising, and has good future Inshallah. He is called.... KDE.
> I want to see a battle, a good battle between you and Mr. Arafat. The
> latter did a great job with
> GNOME and this is why he sometimes speaks proudly, because he has done
> something. I trust
> you can also do it and then you will have a word on the list and
> everywhere else. This is not to say
> we don't care about your words now. I care about any single letter you
> say but just forget about all these
> issues now and standardize KDE in any way you think it is good. Begin
> with koffice and then go on. Define
> your rules of the game, use your wordlist and don't use any word from
> Microsoft. If MS translated file to MALAF
> then translate it to MALAF_WHICH_IS_NOT_MS and ommit the part after the
> underscore, easy?
> I hope you understand me.
> [...]
> أشكرك على اهتمامك: غِبت فقط لفترة لإنهاء موقعي كما أنني أجد أن ملاحظاتك
> في محلها ومقنعة خاصة مع الأمثلة التي أعطيتها. على كلّ، أشعر أنَّني نجحت في
> إثارة الإهتمام إلى مسألة هامة وهي ضرورة وجود
> مسرد مرجعيّ لكلّ المترجمين ودليل ذلك حجم النِّقاش المُتولِّد ومع ذلك ومثلما قال
> نديم "الترجمة أولى من كل شيء"
> ومثلما فعل عرفات المديني "بمواصلة الترجمة رغم كلّ شيء" ومثلما قال منذر
> "هناك طفل جميل يصيح طلبا للاهتمام:-"، فإنَّني أعاود هنا عملي الَّترجميّ.
> أرجو أنَّ ملاحظاتي، على قساوتها وأعتذر مسبقا، ساهمت في إدراك بعض النِّقاط
> وسأجتهد من خلال ترجماتي
> لإعطاء مثال عن الآفاق التي يمكن أن تصلها التَّرجمة الحاسوبيَّة العربيَّة.
> أصبحت الكرة الآن في ملعب باقي الأعضاء وأتمنى أنَّهم سيتجاوزون هذه العقبة.
> مع فائق احتراماتي.
> كحل وسط، سأتبنى الخطة التَّاليَّة في عملي كمترجم والتي أراها أكثر عمليَّة:
> - سأترجم فقط الملفات التي لم تترجم قط حتى الآن: لن أكمل أو أحدِّث ترجمة
> ملفات البرامج والمساعدة التي ترجمت من قبل، من طرف مترجمين آخرين في ظل
> غياب اتفاق على
> التَّرجمات
> - سأستخدم مصطلحاتي الخاصة
> - مع كل مستند برنامج أترجم مستند المساعدة
> - آخذ بعين الاعتبار وسأتكيَّف مع ملاحظات وأمثلة منذر طه ونديم الشايكلي
> وعرفات المديني بخصوص التَّعامل
> مع مصطلحات المواقع الأخرى خاصة وإنَّني أتفهم، رغم كل تحفظاتي أيضا، أنَّ
> المشكلة تكمن في خارج المصدر المفتوح
> - أسماء البرامج والأشخاص [فيما عدا إسم المترجم] ستكون دوما بالحروف اللاتينيَّة
> - أسماء اللُّغات البرمجيَّة ستكون إما مترجمة إلى اللُّغة العربيَّة أو يتم
> تدوينها بحروفها اللاتينيَّة الأصليَّة: أي لن أكتب الإسم اللاتينيّ بحروف عربيَّة
> - أسماء اللُّغات، البلدان والمدن سيتم تدوينها بالعربية في لائحة خاصة
> - كل مصطلح جديد سيُّدوَّن في مسرد خاص مع سياق استخدامه إن توجَّب الأمر
> على كلّ، شكرا على التَّجاوب.
> حفيظ
> ----
> http://www.php4arab.info/ghosn/
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