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Re: Complete Report: Terminology, Wordlist...

--- cronos <cronos at maildz dot com> wrote:
    السَّلام عليكم،
كتتمة للنقاش، أتمنى أن يتم اقتراح لائحة
ترجمات يتماستخدامها من قبل الجميع حتى تظهر
كافة الترجمات على أنها متناسقة.
كنت قد اقترحت مسردي كأداة مساعدة، لكنني أرى
أنه يثير حساسيات خاصة.مسردي يتضمن بعض (ألح
قائلا: بعض) المصطلحات التي أخذتها من مسرد 
مثلما أخذت معظم المصطلحات في أثناء عملي على
ترجمة ما تيسر من مشروعتعريب دليل استخدام 
وكوني أخذت مصطلحات، هي إرث لغوي، لا أرى حتى
الآن ما العيب فيها وما الذييجعل المسألة
تدخل في مضمار الملكية الفكرية. حتى الآن، لا
أعرف هل هناكمصطلحات خاصة بـ
ـ MicroSoft
 وأخرى خاصة بـ 
 وأخرى مملوكة لمجلة وموقع فلان وأخرى لمجلة
وموقع فلانة.

Hafid/cronos, this is not something we are forcing upon anyone and as
noted it will be a waste of time to go into a detailed IP discussion.
Microzift in their _own_ license/Readme file note that the words
and the translations are not allowed to be used by anyone by them
PERIOD.  I certainly don't want to prove otherwise to anyone and
above all don't want Arabeyes' work and efforts tainted and dragged
into courts and lawsuit - so let's avoid the whole mess and work
without them in the picture.

I had made an offer to create our own "technical wordlist", but don't
remember getting a reply from you or Mr. Medini.  The offer, to
reiterate, is I'm willing to process both the entire Gnome tree
(ie. all the files) and the KDE tree and see where they intersect. 
In other words, I will print out (into this "technical wordlist")
all the same phrases that are in both projects.  As an example, if
Gnome has "window title" as a phrase somewhere and KDE has the same
exact string, then I would deem that as a common intersect and print
it out.  What this would do is that it would bring to light all the
common strings which both projects have which is what I think the
idea behind all of this is anyways -- the goal here is _consistency_
after all.

Let me know how you'd like to proceed with my suggestion ?

 - Nadim

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