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Re: terms of audio players

it's a good thing to reuse already arabized terms in different fields
for example host in Biology means عائل
it works find in computing

In HTML there is a difference between TAG and attribvute
Tag راقِمة
Attribute سِمة

<A X=Y> something A is a tag while X=Y is an attribute so this is my Arabization

Tag راقِمة
Attribute سِمة

for example I say

كلمة استقم مرقومة بالراقمة
ولها السمة fontsize=10

also tag is used in mathematics to denote a symbol having special mark/marker
for example the choice of the tagged set A* is so and so

in this context we can say in Arabic المتغير المرقوم ...

and there is a strange Arabization which is إعجام/المعجم
كأن تقول متغير

على عكس متغير A

as for Audiosc something البعثرة الصوتية هاهاها