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Re: Man Pages in Arabic (AMAN)

On Fri, 2002-06-28 at 02:03, Anmar Oueja wrote:

    - need a Howto that explains how to tranlate the english man pages
i think it's more or less a knoledge of nroff macros ?
there is manedit but it doesn't support arabic yet "gtk 1.x"
really didn't have time to look at it cause i'm busy with katoob

    - a doc explaining how to setup the Arabic man pages on an english linux 
man man showed that:
LANG   If  LANG  is set, its value defines the name of the
              subdirectory where man first looks for  man  pages.
              Thus,  the  command  `LANG=dk man 1 foo' will cause
              man   to   look   for   the   foo   man   page   in
              .../dk/man1/foo.1,  and  if  it  cannot find such a
              file, then in .../man1/foo.1, where ... is a direc­
              tory on the search path.

don't know if it's a matter of setting LANG to ar ?

    Q. Which section of the man pages you like to see in Arabic (Please 
    choose one from the following) ?
    Section The human readable name
        1    User commands that may be started by everyone.
        2    System calls, that is, functions provided by the kernel.
        3    Subroutines, that is, library functions.
        4    Devices, that is, special files in the /dev directory.
        5    File format descriptions, e.g. /etc/passwd.
        6    Games, self-explanatory.
        7    Miscellaneous, e.g. macro packages, conventions.
        8    System administration tools that only root can execute.
        9    Another (Linux specific) place for kernel routine documentation.
i think the important'll be 1,3,4
then 5,8
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