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Re: [developers] kprayertime 4.0

Assalamu alaykum,

Am Montag, 10. August 2009 19:52:43 schrieb A Lynch:
> you're plasmoid looks great - a nice themable soft look. I especially like
> the location finder - it's fantastic! How did you do it? - I can see myself
> stealing that ;-)

What you are looking for is the MarbleWidget. It is the embeddable globe view from Marble [1].
If you want to see how to use it have a look at my sources [2].

> One of the main problems I had with KPrayertime for KDE3 was DST, I tried to
> make it automatic but it didn't quite work properly. I've since discovered
> that there is a C library call available but I don't know how to use it
> properly.

I have used KDE's KTimeZone class. Have a look at my data engine for the usage [3].

> The data engine idea is very good, and I agree that configuration is
> something where discussion could prove very useful. For instance, is it
> beneficial to provide the 'altitude' as a config option? I have had some
> users quite confused by it. The danger is that they enter the elevation of
> e.g. their city, which would be an incorrect thing to do.

I don't have a solution for that either. That's the reason why my calculation method configuration is mostly empty.

> Error correction is also important (I think), again in my KDE3 version I had
> settings for possible clock error (which delayed some salawaat and brought
> some others forward a little, primarily for the athan) and zawaal.

This is also on my TODO.

[1] http://edu.kde.org/marble/
[2] http://gitorious.org/prayer-times-plasmoid/prayer-times-plasmoid/blobs/master/prayertimesapplet.cpp#line180
[3] http://gitorious.org/prayer-times-plasmoid/prayer-times-plasmoid/blobs/master/dataengine/prayertimesengine.cpp#line146
