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Re: [developers] kprayertime 4.0


you're plasmoid looks great - a nice themable soft look. I especially like the location finder - it's fantastic! How did you do it? - I can see myself stealing that ;-)

The plethora of plasmoids for prayer times is a really good thing, it encourages each of us to improve and gives the user a nice choice. After http://kprayertime.sf.net I fancied doing something very different which is why I came up with this. I think that people will either love it or hate it.

One of the main problems I had with KPrayertime for KDE3 was DST, I tried to make it automatic but it didn't quite work properly. I've since discovered that there is a C library call available but I don't know how to use it properly.

The data engine idea is very good, and I agree that configuration is something where discussion could prove very useful. For instance, is it beneficial to provide the 'altitude' as a config option? I have had some users quite confused by it. The danger is that they enter the elevation of e.g. their city, which would be an incorrect thing to do.

Error correction is also important (I think), again in my KDE3 version I had settings for possible clock error (which delayed some salawaat and brought some others forward a little, primarily for the athan) and zawaal.

Thanks for the very useful feedback, I'm going to change the layout of the config dialog this evening ISA.

I going to roll in your suggested improvements (where possible) this evening. Because I don't know the ins and outs of how CMake works with KDE I won't be attempting to fix issues in that area.
