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Re: Akka & SWIG

On Thu, Mar 21, 2002 at 12:18:55PM +0100, Chahine M. Hamila wrote:
> Tayeb, I will change chonfigure to make it flexible in that regard.

Of course, thankfully, we don't have to make any changes to the existing
interface file ;)

> The glib problem is a macro problem. I have tried to solve it but since I am
> not subject to the problem myself, I am not sure I fixed it. The best would be

If it compiles on arabeyes.org then that's good enough for me. I don't
know what it is, but it seems that whenever fribidi 0.10.x is in the
picture things change.

> that you take a look at the macro/ directory and take a look at the glib macro
> yourself, it's very trivial. If I remember right Mohamd (Yosef?) already did
> patch chonfigure for that too, so check the CVS version of chonfigure (or let
> me check my mail in case I forgot to submit the patch).

I think that went into the tools/chonfigure repository, and Akka's
chonfigure hasn't been updated (iirc).

> As for the install option, we'll discuss it in private, as all is needed is as
> I mentionned it before the scripts that make the creation of debian, rpm,
> slackware packages automatic, or the instructions for an automatized install
> (something like cp blablablabla) to integrate it in chonfigure.

The element in question here is speedy delivery, not potential
capability ;) I am not questioning 'chonfigure's extendability, but the
time by which we can get it to that stage. I am not familiar w/ all the
distro packaging systems in question, and can only assist w/ the Debian

> Chonfigure is way more flexible and easy to use than the autotools. Any effort

;) I have used the autotools before, and it's not half as difficult as
you make it sound. But, in either case, my point is, if it can be
provided w/ all the features in a timely manner then be it. Otherwise, I
would seriously consider alternatives.

> that you would invest on adding autotools support would be enough in fact to
> add zillions of features to chonfigure. So we should see what the needs are and

Maybe that's for you ;) 

> write macros/extend/fix chonfigure in whatever way needed if it doesn't already
> suit the needs.

Well, "show me the src" and I'll believe ;) But to put things in
perspective.. this is how important it is. In order for the deb package
to be built properly, the diff that's created wants the src to be in
'pristine' form (in other words, 'chonfigure' wouldn't of have run
yet).. and then somewhere in the 'rules' file it would fire up
'chonfigure'. That is ideal (and the "right" way).

However, that would result in a Makefile with no 'install' options, and
instead I would either have to run chonfigure and then modifying the
Makefile by hand to add all the install features, or add it to the rules
file. All in all, it shouldn't be that way ;)

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