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Akka & SWIG

I woke up in the middle of the night (it's 4:24am) and I had this
nagging thought in my head...

If I were to add a Python interface to Akka I would have to change the
way chonfigure works.. and looking athe chonfigure script, it has
'-perl5' hardcoded in it.. so, what to do?

I don't even want to come close to messing w/ Perl or chonfigure for
that matter.. As per our conversations yesterday (w/ Chahine), it would
be nice to add Python support along w/ it just for the hell of it.. but
if it's going to be a hassle forget about it.

Well, maybe not forget about it.. because if you will support it, I can
promise to write really nice configurator scripts to make installing and
using Akka really sweet ;)

Expect to see the Akka-1.0 release anytime within the next 72 hours.
Probably much less than that!

okay, back to sleep! 
| Mohammed Elzubeir    | Visit us at:                 |
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