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Re: A Fribidi alternative?

Salaam Salah,

> it's because I faced several aggressive opinions from people who attack
> thing has (or might have) a jewish hand! and thus I wanted to know the
> opinions of people here in the mailing list since most of you are aware of
> the values of opensource software and possibly faced similar cases.

First, the problem is usually with Israel and its supporters - those who are
preach hatred against Jews should simply be dismissed and marginalized. But
this is off topic on this list.
This is not a political project, it's a software development/L10N/I18N one.

More (indirectly) related, the issue of licenses and who develop what, open
source licenses usually mean that to a certain extent you are free to use
the software as you wish, and that **you don't have to give anything in
exchange**. So I don't understand how having Israelis participate in the
development can be relevant, whether from a practical point of view (it's
100% win, you get code for free, you're not relinquishing any right or
becoming dependent on anything, you're simply giving nothing in exchange) or
from a moral point of view (you're not helping them kill or expell more
Arabs in any way).

Hope that clears it up.
Best regards