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Re: Arabic Unicode terminal support

on Mon, 02 Feb 2004 01:41:48PM -0800, Anmar Oueja insinuated:
> Hello Nori:
> You are in luck since you are a debian user. what debian branch are you 
> running. I am using SID (unstable) and have MLTERM running with unifont 
> and I can view, less, more, or vim any arabic file heck.. even irssi can 
> read and write in arabic.
> - For now do this "apt-get install mlterm unifont"
> - go to the /etc/mlterm/
> - vim /etc/mlterm/font and uncommend this line: ISO10646_UCS4_1 = 
> -gnu-unifont-medium-r-normal--*-iso10646-1;
> - save the file and open the file key in /etc/mlterm
> - make sure the following line is uncommented:
> 	Control+backslash=EXT_KBD
> - save the file and you should be ok. This should work well on Mlterm 2.7+
> Do let me know and I will do my best to help.

Great!  This (plus LC_ALL set to ar_EG.UTF-8) is _exactly_ what I
needed.  Works like a charm!


    .~.      nori @ sccs.swarthmore.edu
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