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Re: Arabic Unicode terminal support

Hello Nori:

You are in luck since you are a debian user. what debian branch are you running. I am using SID (unstable) and have MLTERM running with unifont and I can view, less, more, or vim any arabic file heck.. even irssi can read and write in arabic.

- For now do this "apt-get install mlterm unifont"
- go to the /etc/mlterm/
- vim /etc/mlterm/font and uncommend this line: ISO10646_UCS4_1 = -gnu-unifont-medium-r-normal--*-iso10646-1;
- save the file and open the file key in /etc/mlterm
- make sure the following line is uncommented:
- save the file and you should be ok. This should work well on Mlterm 2.7+

Do let me know and I will do my best to help.

Nori Heikkinen wrote:
Hi all,

I'm running Debian, and I'm trying to set up my terminals to deal with
Arabic UTF-8 data.  Sifting through hundreds of howtos and such about
unicode in general, it seems that I _should_ be able to set my locales
to ar_EG.UTF-8 (picked Egypt semi at random), open an xterm with the
-u8 flag, and then view files (say, in cat, or vim, which I understand
has good UTF-8 support[1]).  But I still get all kinds of non-Arabic

While I can't see utf8 Arabic, I _can_ see utf8 IPA fonts[2] using
`xterm -u8`.  I realize that I need to get a bi-directional library
like libfribidi0, as xterm doesn't (and won't[3] support
bi-directional text by itself), and I have ... but that's secondary
right now, as I can't see the script at all.

I've been reading up on this for days.  Do I need a Unicode terminal
font that supports Arabic, and if so, can someone reccomend one?
Also, could anyone point me to a good Arabic UTF-8 howto, or something

Thanks so much,


[1] http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Unicode-HOWTO-4.html#ss4.4
[2] http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ucs/examples/ipa-chart.txt
[3] http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/unicode.html#xterm


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