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Re: Thumbnail screenshot on homepage?

--- Ra'id Al-Jamali <rjamali at omantel dot net dot om> wrote:
> On Tue, 2003-10-21 at 23:41, Ossama Khayat wrote:
> > But Nadim, there's already a logo on the
> > distrowatch.com site! It's here
> > http://www.distrowatch.com/images/icon-large/arabbix.png
> > I remember I saw it before, but not sure where.

If we use it without getting consensus from the various people
involved and esp. with Anmar being away (he's on vacation for the
next month or so) would be kinda bad.  I would much rather have
a handful of alternatives to choose from and have the better
design win outright.  Again, we really need more Arabbix logos
and ideas (Moty, Samy, etc, etc).

> Nadim should remember. See his following cc to this mailing list:
> http://lists.arabeyes.org/archives/general/2003/October/msg00006.html

Hehehe - if that was the only email I got, I would have.  Too many
things cross my desk to remember any one thing (that's why we have
a search engine on Arabeyes' webpage :-)


 - Nadim

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