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Re: Synaptic graphical installer looking for help

Am Mi, den 26.11.2003 schrieb Anmar Oueja um 20:15:
> Hello Jean-Michel:
> The best way to change the locale on Debian system is the following:
> 1. launch a terminal and run the following as root:
> 	dpkg-reconfigure locales
> 2. Choose an arabic locale from the list:
> 	ar_xx (Any ar_xx would do)
> 3. log out of X (assuming you are using gdm) choose the arabic locale 
> from the "language" list and log back into GNOME... tada.. you should be 
> in Arabic environment.
> There are other mo conulted ways... but this is the way all uses will do 
> it so you better test it this way.

Thanks for you quick response.

I don't know why but Arabic language was available after a reboot only.
But now it works and we can start de-euro-centralizing our app.

And thank you very much for the Arabic translation, Ossama Khayat.

