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Re: Translating "Accessibility"

well it depends on your context !

Accessibility is used by KDE in a specific context
أدوات مساعدة الاشخاص المعاقين ، تسهيل الإستعمال للأشخاص المعاقين

في الحالات الأخرى = قابلية الوصول ، سهولة الوصول.....

what about وصولية ? and it is standalone ...

from what I can see you are merging ALL
what in  "translate/technicaldictionary" together

You are quite right ...I imported the whole folder....

If you are doing
this to start using it as a dictionary, this is not a good idea IMHO.
I needed a better way to search the po files instead of opening each
file and searching through it. If you don't like it, don't use it.
