On Sun, Mar 02, 2003 at 09:12:05AM +0300, Ossama Khayaat wrote:
Assalamou Alaikom,
This is great. I'm able to give at least *1 hour* a day to help in KDE
and maybe more in the weekends.
That is great! I would suggest you take on the kdebase/ then.
Now, before I can reall help in translation, I need help in setting up
As I read in the translators FAQ that I must setup the Dictionary
Database, but I couldn't get that
at all in RedHat 7.3. I'm using the RedHat updated KBabel (I think
0.9.6) still when I goto
Settings -> Configure Dictionary, I find only PO Auxiliary and PO
compendium, but not
the Translation Database! It doesn't even appear in any other place.
I tried downloading version 1.1 and compile it. But still the same problem.
Am I missing the module or what?
No, you are not missing anything. Unfortunately that feature is no
part of KBabel, so you will have to do without it.