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Re: What Does ???? means in Arabic

On Thu, Aug 30, 2001 at 05:56:10PM +0200, Chahine M. Hamila wrote:
> Salam,
> These issues have been discussed before, and the policy is free choice
> for every translator. Practice will bring uniformity; a darwinist
> selection made by use will select the most practical terms. The rule is
> as long as the work is done, the translator is master of his
> decisions. If guidelines are needed, you can find details at...
> eeeeeeeehhh...
> I was just checking, and the paper disappeared.
> Mohamed, where's the draft about translation directions?

This issue has been discussed before, but I think it's different here.
Consistency in this particular case is highly desirable.

Al-Ayham (if you remember him) showed me a simple script (i can't remember if
it was perl or php) but anyhow, it pretty much took two entries a word and a
translation for it (maybe plus an option to explain). But he disappeared and
the last time I heard from him he said he was extremely busy.

In any case, the moral of the story is, the idea has been brought up before,
slighly explored but that's about it. If anyone is into PHP and
MySQL I would be more than happy to put up a little database up here on
arabeyes.org (through which others can add to - but having to go through the
approval of an editor, etc.). That should take a couple hours ;) Email
'contact at arabeyes dot org' if interested.

In the meantime, we will rely on this list to post about words you are
uncertain of, and of course, using the available online resources.

The Arabic Documentation Standards draft? Ah... slipped through the cracks
with the new site ;) I'm sorry about that. It's here:

http://www.arabeyes.org/papers/draft.pdf (for a printable version)

I apparently lost the original .tex version :( Where was CVS when I needed it?
I'll convert it to .tex and put it up on the cvs along with the other docs.  
I should set proper links to all the papers on the site <grin>.

| Mohammed Elzubeir                    | http://www.fakkir.net/           |
| Tech Support                         | http://www.arabeyes.org/         |
| College of Business Computing Center | Homepage:                        |
| University of North Texas            | http://www.fakkir.net/~elzubeir/ |