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Re: Debian Installer?

From: abdulhaq <al-arabeyes at alinsyria dot fsnet dot co dot uk>
As no code is bug free, it would certainly seem sensible that these algorithms
are incorporated into external projects using libraries rather than copying
and pasting of functions. Can I suggest that Ahmad turn his code into a
library, and use the same API (i.e. function prototypes) as fribidi? This
shouldn't be too arduous and will make bug-fixes far easier to propagate to
the external projects.

good suggestion, but please understand why its not a library in the first place.
PuTTY was the main reason for minibidi, and PuTTY is a 1 .exe and the author
is very proud of it being a 1 file app. so an external lib with putty was a patch
now, with cups it could easily be done, and the authors wouldnt mind as cups
already has its build scripts.

nadim, what do you think about turning it into a lib ? i need help here.
abdulhaq, thanks for your comments, testing, feedback.


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