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Re: Debian Installer?

--- ahmad khalifa <ahmadkhalifa at hotmail dot com> wrote:
> >From: abdulhaq <al-arabeyes at alinsyria dot fsnet dot co dot uk>
> >Can I suggest that Ahmad turn his code into alibrary, and use the
> >same API (i.e. function prototypes) as fribidi? This shouldn't be
> >too arduous and will make bug-fixes far easier to propagate to
> >the external projects.
> good suggestion, but please understand why its not a library in the
> first place.
> nadim, what do you think about turning it into a lib ? i need help here.
> abdulhaq, thanks for your comments, testing, feedback.

Its not my decision, but if you are asking for my humble opinion then I'd
say it would be nice to complement fribidi on the basis of license.  In
other words, miniBidi's license is a bit more liberal and so it might help
us get into applications that we might otherwise not have been able to
penetrate.  In short, sure since it furthers the cause of Arabic on open
source projects - go for it but again keep in mind the educational emphasis
(comments, structure, documentation, etc).


 - Nadim

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