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Re: PuTTY Bidi

--- ahmad khalifa <ahmadkhalifa at hotmail dot com> wrote:
> New putty with Bidi available here:
> http://www.toomuchcookies.net/~arabeyes/putty7.exe

The uploaded file is 210KB (should be approx 440K, no ?) - I think
you had problems uploading the right file, do please re-check.
> + Can i use the Refrence Code avalable in UAX #9 at (i already did)
>    http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr9/
>    the code is at
>    http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr9/BidiReferenceCpp
>    it says it can be �Distributed Freely���? At the top of bidi_c.txt
>    Are there any license issues or anything i should
>    know of.? I'll give credits and all...

I guess Behdad would know best and if he says NO, then no it is.

> + Is it good ? It seems to work for me..
>    I had to modify the Type table (i.e that has character types,
>    like L, R AL, CS, etc..) and added another table for arabic.

I'll tell you as soon as I run it :-)

> I added a CheckBox to �Terminal/Features��� at the end that says
> �Disable Arabic Shaping and Flipping��� by default its unchecked, if
> you check it you should see unShaped, unBidied arabic.

You might (and we'll ask Simon) want to have the following buttons,

 1. Shape    - ON/OFF (default: ON)
 2. Flipping - ON/OFF (default: OFF)*
 3. Bidi     - ON/OFF (default: ON)*

(*) items are mutually exclusive (if flipping is ON, bidi is OFF
    and vice-versa (this might be helpful in debugging things).
    Enabling Bidi also enables shaping unless user disable shaping
    on purpose, etc.

> ATTN nadim: please postpone your cosmetic changes until the new patch is 
> uploaded (if it is)... or u can just tell me what they are...

I'll make those changes later - once you are settled.

> PS: Does anyone really use PuTTY?

Believe me, lots do !!  They simply seem to be silent on this list for
whatever reason ;-)

Ahmad, what's great about this email is that Bidi's inclusion is simply
a matter of finding the properly licensed code -- we can leave that
decision to Simon.  The fact that you did it on one set of code tells
me its simply a matter of hours to get it done on something completely
different which is great :-)

Wonderful work and keep at it.


 - Nadim

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