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Re: al quraan

On Wed, Oct 30, 2002 at 10:35:32PM +0200, Mohammed Sameer wrote:
> well done, i had a look at the code, however i didn't understand why we pass the first argument to guran_init ?

I'm going to change the quran_init API, so the only argument is the
location of the file. Quran lang will be determined by XML file, so we
must alter XML file to something like this

<quran lang="ar" mediatype="text">
<quran lang="ar" mediatype="mp3">

for "mp3" media type, we will have
<sura id=1 name="al fatiha">
<aya id=1>
<qurandata file="alfatiha.mp3" offset=0/>
<aya id=2>
<qurandata file="alfatiha.mp3" offset=xxxxx length=zzzzz/>
<aya id=3>
<qurandata file="alfatiha.mp3" offset=yyyyy length=ttttt/>

where xxxxx and yyyyy are offset to mp3 stream. In the implementation,
if we want to hear aya#2 of alfatiha, we just open the alfatiha.mp3 as stream and play the stream starting from offset
xxxxx for zzzzzz bytes.

what do you think?

> ok now ? the library is GPLed ? what's the license for the data files ??

yes it is GPL
but for the data file, I have no idea.
should we make a new license, say, "ISLAM License"?

> I think it's time to start coding ;)

Last night, I've started the GNOME client, I hope it will be available

Mohammad DAMT <mdamt at mdamt dot com> http://www.mdamt.net
"biar kate disruduk kambing abang mati kaku, asal bisa idup ame nyai dasime", Nyai Dasime Kembang Pejambon, Benjamin S.