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Re: al quraan

On Tue, Oct 29, 2002 at 09:15:13AM -0800, Nadim Shaikli wrote:
> are) -- you could also contact Mr. Yousif about possibly putting
> your PHP/mysql code under his umbrella.

I've made an attempt to code my proposed libquran (some changes were
applied, though)
now I have a cvs account but I don't know where to put, is it in the
projects/quran or should it have it's own directory, say,
projects/libquran/ ?

meanwhile I've uploaded the preliminary code to

Mohammad DAMT <mdamt at mdamt dot com> http://www.mdamt.net
"biar kate disruduk kambing abang mati kaku, asal bisa idup ame nyai dasime", Nyai Dasime Kembang Pejambon, Benjamin S.