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Re: A Fribidi alternative?

> I just thought may be we can avoid using it if we already have our own
> alternative but if we don't I will have to use it and ignore their weird
> political fanaticism.

There's no logical reason we should do that, really.  Consider it
pragmatically: we have scarce resources and they'd better be spent elsewhere
if this one is good enough (it's not like you have to give something in
exchange or do some sacrifice in order to use it).
Plus, if it can be of any relief for you, consider the fact that he's
neither the original author nor the main contributor (in fact, our fellow
Iranian mates here have probably contributed a lot more than he did). Even
more importantly, if this too can make you feel better, it is LGPL, you have
access to the source and can do whatever you want with it, which means you
can use it even in ways he wouldn't want you to (and as we say in Arabic, if
he doesn't like it, let him drink from the salt marsh/from the dead sea).
So really, this is a non-issue and not worth the attention:)

> btw I've some question regarding similar cases, Are those free (ie.
> opensource) software execluded from the known boycott? by considering them
> science materials? I just need everyones opinions

Haydar answered you already on this one.