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Re: New devices terms

Hi this is my seocnd entry here ;)

yulgha is not the correct word for removable hds I even suppose it is
totally false for any form of disks. Algha , yulghi, ilghaun means he
removed or stopped an EVENT in arabic u can't say "algha hijaratan" for eg.
for "he removed stones " u say ab3ada or na77a or u describe that exact
action by saying rama ilhijarata and so on, u say algha for "algha kitabat
arrisalati "he stopped writing the letter" or "algha alkaimata" for he
"removed the list" , he made it invalid, and u can only make an event
invalid not an object. for a disk now u can make right read invalid for it
so : alghi kirata ilkurs or alghi alkitabata 3ala alkurs but not alghi
alkurs.Between can anyone say to me what is 3'ayr sabat ? is this arabic ;)
my try is for remove is :  ab3ada  but for removable? :-/ last but not least
portable : ma7mul is right but for eg. in the arabic western the maghreb it
is nakkal for eg u say : alhatif annakkal so any clarification on this ?
well I'll still think about removable I hope I helped u ...
