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current HWM Status and a new bugzilla site

Salam all,
Here is a small email explaining what i have done for HWM and Haydar Linux lately.

I have rebuild many classes of hwm from scratch to get click to focus working, thanks to Bradley T Hughes from trolltech support who gave me a very good hint.
I am very happy to say that after rebuilding most of the classes i could get a very stabile alpha release of hwm "version 0.35".

I have also made a new website for bug reporting on "http://bugzilla.haydar.net"; and "http://bugzilla.haydarlinux.org";, this bugzilla site is not closed to Haydar Net or Haydar Linux projects and if anyoe interested in having his/her product listed there he/she can contact me at any time.

The secund Beta version of Haydar Linux is going to be released on 15 Sep 2002 "In Sha2 Allah", I am not sure about the date 100% because i don't know what might happen.

I hope that you will find Haydar Linux a very good distribution especialy i have included most of the programs listed in forum.haydarlinux.org in it.

Execuse me for my English but i am very tired and don't have time to read what i am writing.

Haydar Alkaduhimi
CEO, Haydar Net