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Re: Charset API for C++

Lemine Abdallahi wrote:
I wasnt able to find such a Mapping and had to copy off VIM's patch and
tried to match Characters by eye from the Unicode Charts, and still am
missing lots of characters and some persian chars too..

I found a lot of these tables in the various libraries. I don't think
there is a standard one (except from unicode.org ?? ). Nevertheless, the
Arabeyes project must have its own table, and we have to define it together.

Im talking about mapping the 0x600 to 0x6FF range to the 0xFEXX range, if you saw any mappings like these please point me to them as I would like to update the shaping table in miniBidi.

I have no preference for a given charset and I can't afford the widows
one. Are therwe any "official" stiatistics on charset usage in arabic ? I
think a lot of people forget the Mac charsets, or are they obsolete ?

Official ? not AFAIK. You could think of a method of gathering such statistics, but thats off-topic. would be fun though!!
