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Here's a converation that's been running privately that should be brought
out in the open as others might benefit from and/or partake in.

--- Armelle Nedelec <arn at scs-net dot org> wrote:
> I found a web site which list a lot of CMS (Web Content
> Management System) it's called,
>   http://www.opensourcecms.com
> I'll try to see which of them support UTF-8 (and Arabic).

It would be great to have a shortened list of those that are UTF-8
based which include RTL support and themes.  I know a number of
the more popular CMS (phpnuke, etc) are CP-1256 and we need to
contact those developers and tell them to default to UTF-8 instead
and possibly offer CP-1256 as an option.  We really need to stress
upon all developers that CP-1256 should NOT be developed and/or
catered to.

> I had a look at Xoops (Xoops.org), I feel it easier to use
> than PHPNuke and don't think it needs PHP knowledge.
> The two problems I see are :
> - Arabic version in Windows 1256 not UTF-8

Could you please let us know whom to contact so we can mass-mail
them to tell them to use UTF-8 instead ?

> - Don't see multi-language version (I saw an english, a french,
>   and an arabic version, not one with all of those languages)

Yeah, this is important - but I don't see why it can't be done.
I'd be more concerned with the content and I can't see why the
content can't be made to include all those languages and more.
Granted your theme would have to be RTL (ie. Arabic) or LTR
(latin-based), but that is beside the point, no ?
> I think it's important to have it if you want to put content in your 
> site and translate it.

Thanks for looking into all of this, do please start contacting the
developers to impress upon them the immense need to switch over to
UTF-8 from CP-1256.


 - Nadim

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