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Nadim Shaikli a écrit :
Here's a converation that's been running privately that should be brought
out in the open as others might benefit from and/or partake in.

--- Armelle Nedelec <arn at scs-net dot org> wrote:

I found a web site which list a lot of CMS (Web Content
Management System) it's called,


I'll try to see which of them support UTF-8 (and Arabic).

It would be great to have a shortened list of those that are UTF-8
based which include RTL support and themes.  I know a number of
the more popular CMS (phpnuke, etc) are CP-1256 and we need to
contact those developers and tell them to default to UTF-8 instead
and possibly offer CP-1256 as an option.  We really need to stress
upon all developers that CP-1256 should NOT be developed and/or
catered to.

I know of one and I'm working with : SPIP (www.spip.net) UTF-8 and Arabic.
I'll try to see the others, but it will need some time, if someone else is interested in the subject, we can share the job.

I had a look at Xoops (Xoops.org), I feel it easier to use
than PHPNuke and don't think it needs PHP knowledge.
The two problems I see are :

- Arabic version in Windows 1256 not UTF-8

Could you please let us know whom to contact so we can mass-mail
them to tell them to use UTF-8 instead ?

I'll try to contact them, but I didn't work with this tool until now.

- Don't see multi-language version (I saw an english, a french,
 and an arabic version, not one with all of those languages)

Yeah, this is important - but I don't see why it can't be done.
I'd be more concerned with the content and I can't see why the
content can't be made to include all those languages and more.
Granted your theme would have to be RTL (ie. Arabic) or LTR
(latin-based), but that is beside the point, no ?

Multi language in a CMS is not simply translating and allowing RTL.
It's means managing the contents translatin, be aware of the change in one version of the article,...
You have to manage writers and translators profile for the content, to allow to write on the same site LTR and RTL, depending on the language chosen, or even on the content in a page.

For those speaking French, the french mailing list of SPIP spoke about this problem a lot recently.
