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Re: New Quran Application Icon

--- Riyad Preukschas <rpreukschas at web dot de> wrote:
> I created a zip file which you can get here: 
>   http://www.includeme.ma.cx/kuran/quran_icon.zip
> It contains the the svg file (quran.svg), "yast_nis_client.png" (see 
> note below) and two directories ("upright" and "leaning").
> The two directories contain png files in different sizes (512, 256, 128, 
> 64, 48, 32, 22, 16 - yes I know we don't really need the sizes above 128).

Sorry to say, but I thought it looked too bland - almost without
character (I say this not to criticize, but to encourage and
to push for improvements).  Give it a bit more character and

BTW: in terms of project logos we are in need of a 75x75 image.

Feel free to upload to art.arabeyes.org
 - Goto http://art.arabeyes.org
 - Click on 'Login' (top-right)
 - Use user/pass, arabeyes/arabeyes
 - Click on 'Uploads'
 - Upload an image or two of your samples to convey the idea.

Hope that helps (please don't take it in any bad way).

BTW: As far as I remember, the Quran project was not in need of
     a logo (I know you are working on the Java Quran, so bare
     with me :-), BiCon/ITL and others are in desperate search
     for a logo though.  See all those missing icons on the
     projects page, well they need to be filled in :-)



 - Nadim

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