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Re: Distros project

 --- Nadim Shaikli <shaikli at yahoo dot com> wrote: > Mr.
Munzir/Alkarouri, I am not sure what is the
> status of the distros
> project.  Last we talked there was a 'certification'
> or 'Standard for
> Arabic Inclusion and Support (SAIS :-)' document

The distros project (still being used to distro, but
the change reflects the project more) is actually
going it a bit unbalanced way now, with Munzir
progressing in the MAPS document without us releasing
the standard document, which has gone further a bit
from the document on the cvs. In particular, I have so
much things pending.
I suggest that the last document we had with small
changes (colors and stars, etc) issued as a beta
document for all to see, I can make it available soon.
May be we need a chat as I see there is much
organization effort at arabeyes.
As an aside, the idea of the application list is still
there. I am now thinking of the following points:
- Modifying the list of apps there to be more than
just an example. I will make a new list based on the
old list, the applications that we felt we needed in
Arabbix, and the applications in the MAPS document.
- Some coordination should be done with the bugs page
(or open issues?), either as one document or linked.

> I looked at the MAPS file and got royally confused,
>   http://www.arabeyes.org/docs.php
> as it looks like that SAIS document was kinda used
> for Mandrake
> specific issues but the intended audience is the
> user and not the
> Mandrake distro developers.  The MAPS doc is more of
> a "howto" for
> users (which is fine and ought most likely to change
> name to
> 'mdk_arabichowto' or similar) - was that the purpose
> or was it
> part of the SAIS effort ?

The MAPS document was actually oriented to the user.
This was done in accordance with the recommendations
in the LAS document in order that a distro gets a
Silver status, so it may qualify as a how-to. I think
the direct coordination with the distro should be done
on a distro by distro basis; redhat people are
different than gentoo or morphix. The targets are
specified by the main document. I am sure Munzir will
be happy to respond to any particular points there.

Well, as this discussion revolves about a document
which isn't there, I will try to coordinate with
Munzir so we update the LAS document (it isn't that I
didn't like the SAIS name). I will post it by Sunday
in shaa Allah, whatever its status is.

Now, I am preparing for tomorrow. More later.

Muhammad Alkarouri

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