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Re: About Wiki Recommendations

On Mon, 2004-07-12 at 22:11, Muhammad Alkarouri wrote:
> Salam,
> As usual, I get to voice my opinion.
> - point 1.1
> Funny, as if the few individuals are possibly 'not known'. If I were in
> your shoes, I would thank the few who highlight needs you are approving
> of. Thanks for that tone anyway, we will probably remain in Arabeyes'
> history this way.

I simply mean that though they are a few (relative to the size of
project), they still highlight the defeciency. I will not get into this

> - point 1.1.1
> +1. This is what we needed from the start.
> - point 3.1
> Yes, the umbrella strategy should be reconsidered, in the way you are
> mentioning (more or less).
> One of the main problems that we had is that Arabeyes wanted to be all
> things to all people. It encourages volunteerism. It encourages
> centralized work in Arabization of *ix. The resulting display of
> conflict between these two points is the mess we had in the partnership
> policy. Because some may want to work in Arabization of *ix without
> voluntary work, or some may like to do volunteer work in *ix which is
> not Arabic related. Both these groups cannot coordinate with Arabeyes in
> the status quo.

And that was absolutely needed. It is not a mess. It is a situation
where when Arabeyes appeared, volunteerism in our part of the world
simply was not 'fashionable' like it is starting to become today.

> As side points:
> - Now that SAIS is becoming more visible, I am certainly going to put
> more effort into it. I am not sure if the "community" is interested to
> say anything though.

The same thing could have been said about core policies ;) The point is,
you will get 2-3 members of the community, who will pop up at some point
and give in some input -- we'll leave the door open.

> - [OT] Seems still people are not happy with fedora translation, though
> using different tactics in discussions. Probably Alan Cox is the most
> well known of them (for the Welsh language). Just thought I mention it.

No comment.

| Mohammed Elzubeir    | Visit us at:                 |
|                      |  http://www.arabeyes.org/    |
| Arabeyes Project     | Homepage:                    |
| Unix the 'right' way |  http://elzubeir.fakkir.net/ |

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