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Re: Mozilla Translation Status + some terms


Just wanted to inform you that I've finished messenger-mapi, messenger-offline, and mozapps all under thunderbird/mail/chrome.

Currently working on thunderbird/mail/chrome/messenger-smime

Here are some notable terms I faced, and my translation. So please either advice me with better translation or use them for consistency:

profile: تشكيل

feed aggregator: محصّل التّلقيمات

starred messages: الرّسائل المؤشرّة بنجمة

Get messages: احصل على الرّسائل

offline: غير متّصل or وضع عدم الاتّصال (depends on context)

[for example, "Offline and Connection Settings" would become "إعدادات الاتصال و وضع عدم الاتصال",  better than "إعدادات الاتّصال و عدم الاتّصال" which sounds confusing !

By the way, it just came to my mind to use منفصل instead of غير متّصل, what do you think of that? Isn't منفصل the perfect opposite of متّصل?]
