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Re: Some Translation issues we discussed.

في الثلاثاء 17 أكتوبر 2006 15:42 ، قمت بكتابة:
> > لا مانع عندي و سوف أدخِلها في قاموسي glossary.po
> > و لا يوجد أي خلاف ، الشباب يحبون المبارزة  بلكلام  كما في زمان المعلقات (
> > على أيام فرسان الغة ) و هذه صفة  من أحسن صفات العرب.... اليس كذالك يا
> > شباب ؟ فلنتابع .... ما هي الكلمة اللتي تريدون الآن المبارزة الشعرية عليها
> > ؟
> Saad, no offence, my intention was never to do "moubaraza", I'm just
> trying to help out. I'm really sorry you feel that way, but I assure
> you it was never my intension. I highly value all of your
> contributions and translations, they are very good and I'm very proud
> to be working with you, and you're an important asset to arabeyes.
> However, in order to achieve best quality, I suppose we can sometimes
> discuss terms, no?
> Djihed

Sure we can ! 
I keep repeating it ( with a big dose of humor ....) .
don't worry ! It is very difficult to offend me !  you will need to be 
patient... until i feel offended.

salam and keep doing good work. 


محمد سعد