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Re: ترجمات مستعملة فقط في مصر و السودان

This should be handled by the locale.

For example, ar-dz for Algeria (and other Maghreb countries) use
transliterated versions of the months in french, i.e. Janvier, Fevier,
Mars, etc.
Other countries, say ar-eg for Egypt, can use their localised months,
and so on for every other country.

However, the caveat is that we don't have the manpower to do that for
every Arabic locale in parallel (it should be kept in mind for the
future). For now, we have to agree on a common notation.

QAC[1] should decide on these issues, I'm not sure whether it is active anymore?



On 29/07/06, محمد سعد <520026770069-0001 at t-online dot de> wrote:
رأيت في بعض البيانات اخطاء في ترجمة التاريخ

January يناير
February فبراير
June يونو
August اغسطس

و هذه الترجمات مستعملة فقط في مصر و السودان
اما في باقي الدول العربية يترجم:
January كانون الثاني
February شباط
March آذار
April نيسان
May أيار
June حزيران
July تموز
August آب
September ايلول
October تشرين الاول
November تشرين الثاني
December كانون الاول

فما رأيكم ؟

محمد سعد

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