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Re: Doc Digest, Vol 31, Issue 38

في خميس 27 يوليو 2006 12:52, كتب doc-request at arabeyes dot org:

حسنآ ! هناك نقاش مفيد فيما يتعلق بترجمة 
Axis, X-axis, Y-axis, Z-axis
و علينا ان نجد الحل
فبرئي انا ان الجميع على حق
اذا اخذنا بعين الاعتبار التعريف الاصلي :
X-axis = abscissa axis (english) = axe des abscisses (French)
Y-axis = ordinate axis (english) = axe des ordonnés (French)

the word abscissa designate a way of cutting at regular values (think about 
scissors) so in arabic it would be something like 
ordinate in turn points to the notion of order 
and thus should be

so far for our friends from North africa

we also have from others these translations
axis-x محور س و للتفصيل المحور السيني
axis-y محور ص و للتفصيل المحور الصادي
axis-z محور ع  هذا المحور يدل إلى محور الإرتفاع

which are also the scientific definitions given in 
(try ordinate, abscissa) there if you want to see their translations !

but they are less explicit for me (and probably for others ?)
does anybody know why they are so called 
المحور السيني و المحور الصادي ؟

I think it should be free to us to translate them as we feel as long as there 
is a reference book or dictionnary where arabic users can look in case of 

but since www.arabization.org.ma/Dictionnaire.asp
seems to be a good standard reference we could (should ! ) use them as well 
هل انتم موافقون ؟
