Ali El Dada wrote: Hello everybody..Good luck with your studies! Arabic Grammar, nice! After you get your degree could you please release your work under the GPL? So I wanted to be able to type arabic letters from within KDE and did a google search which lead me to arabeyes' work on Arabic, and I found it really interested and impressive, and I would really like to join, as a translator for now. (But btw I still didn't figure out how to type Arabic letters in KDE cause the post on Arabeyes that I saw said that you can but didn't say how, so if you can help please do!).I use Linux-Mandrake, supports arabic out of the box (just tell it to use arabic in "Configure Your Desktop" (KDE control center), in Accessibilty -> Keyboard Layout, Add an Arabic Keyboard. So what is the procedure? Any recommended project to start on? I saw that the KDE translation project is 99% done, so what other projects shall I work on and how? I always use CVS so that's no problem. Thanks in advance.. |