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Re: Introducing myself + a question

> Ayman Hourieh wrote:
> > On 6/16/05, Nawwar <kabbani2 at scs-net dot org> wrote:
> >>Hi,
> >>I just wanted to introduce my self here, my name is Nawwar Kabbai, I'm
> >>from Syria.
> >
> > Welcome! I've commited several files translated by Nawwar, and he's
> > doing a very good job, keep it up ;)
> >
> >>The problem is how to write the Hamzat Al-Wassl, for example I noticed
> >>that words like إحفظ usually written with Hamza, but as we learned in
> >>school, Hamzat Al Wassl mustn't be written, although it is pronounced
> >>when it's in the beginning of speach.
> >
> > Hmm, yeah I write إفعل verbs with hamza (أمر فعل ثلاثي), I though it
> > was hamzat qat3 not wasl, will try to find a school book to make sure,
> > do you have any school books left to check it out too?

I use the O.K. Method to handle this issue (Ossama Khayat Method (TM)). I 
first start by trying to attach a fa to the beginning of the verb and then 
try to pronounce the verb. If the fa causes the pronounciation of the hamza 
to disappear, then its a hamzat wasl and should not be written. In all other 
cases a hamza should be written. Example of verbs where this is true are:


Examples where this is not true are:

Hope that helps


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