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Re: Plural-Forms header

--- Christian Perrier <bubulle at debian dot org> wrote:
> Today, I had a long discussion with Abdulazziz about Plural-Forms
> because one Debian file in stage2 uses them for talking about the
> number of packages that may be installed.
> Below is the IRC log
> My conclusion is that the appropriate header for Arabic is:
> Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=n%100==1 || n==0 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 2
> : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 2 : 3;
> which is supposed to mean than Arabic has 4 plural forms:
> 1st (singular) is used for 0 as well as 1 and 101, 201, etc
> 2nd (double)   is used for 2 as well as 102�, 202 and so on
> 3rd (3 to 9)   is used for 3 to 9 as well as 103 to 109, 203 to 209,
> etc
> 4th is used for the rest

Actually now that I think about it even that is not correct :). Sorry
for disconnecting on you. At any rate, I used the first header that was
settled on. But the QAC need to discuss this issue thoroughly and
settle on something definitive :)

At any rate, the base-config file is now committed, error free, using
the header form of the plurlization policy Arabeyes has always used:

1: 1 and 0
2: 2
3: 3 <= n <= 10
4: n > 10

When we make modifications to the header the file will be changed
accordingly. I'm conversing with Isam as we speak :)

Thanks again Christian


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