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Regarding QaMoose

Assalamu alaikum sadati,

I've read the past couple of posts on the general and doc lists and I realize that some of you are really overworked and getting close to the point of burn-out.  However, as a relative newcomer here I really need to probe your collective minds to figure out what's going on, because some issues are troubling me.

At present, I am only interested in contributing to the development of a generalized dictionary.  This is my incentive behind offering to work on the wordlist.  While translating software into Arabic is a noble endeavour, it's not my cup of tea.  General translation, which I am interested in, and the technical translation of software packages are two very different beasts that require different tools and development philosophies.  It appears to me, and I am no expert, that gettext and its supporting tools were only ever intended to accomplish translation of software packages, and not to produce a general purpose dictionary.  To me -- and I want to reiterate that I have very limited exposure -- these tools lack basic features that are necessary to produce a general dictionary useful to people interested in natural, non-technical language.  If QaMoose is going to evolve into a general-purpose dictionary, it cannot rely on PO files.  These files don't have the structure to support all sorts of features that are necessary for general-purpose translation.  It's not just a matter of inserting more entries into the PO files.  Rather, the entries need to structured according to the constructs of natural language.  I don't think this is doable with PO files.  If I am wrong, please let me know.  On the other hand, QaMoose *can* make use of the wordlist project, by taking the input and putting each translated entry into an "uncategorized" bin under the untranslated entry's heading.  The people who work on QaMoose can then at least start with the uncategorized translations and categorize them as a first step.

The second thing I wanted to ask is: what, exactly, is the mandate for QaMoose and how does it differ from that of other online, English-Arabic dictionaries?  For example, some good starts are here:
(Notice how translations are categorized, especially in the case of the logos dictionary.)  Both of the above dictionaries are backed by commercial entities.  Perhaps the goal of QaMoose is to produce an opensource English-Arabic dictionary?

So, in summary, here's what I'm requesting:
  1. If I'm wrong about PO files and gettext not being adequate tools for the production of a dictionary, please let me know.
  2. We open the floor for the design of a truly useful QaMoose.
و بالله التوفيق و التيسير
Moustafa Mounir Elqabbany مصطفى منير القباني
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email;internet:elqabbany at sunnipath dot com