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Re: flood of questions [part 2]


First, a general remark: please try to give examples/links so that we can quickly verify and have more clarification on the issues :-)

From: "أبو المغيرة Abu Almugeerah"
Subject: flood of questions [part 2]
Date: Wed, 05 Mar 2003 17:09:55 +0000

In The Name Of Allah

Assalam Alikoom

i have another couple of fast questions

1. what about [FILE...] what to do with it...

Sorry. But I have no idea about this. ---> example ;)

3. some translation have boxes..... what to do with them

OK. On IRC you said http://cvs.arabeyes.org/cvsweb/translate/gnome/fifth-toe/dia.po
I checked it and it seems to have effectively a serious encoding problem... Can someone please look into this ?

4. some multiple lines have an arabic translation of one letter only and some with one word only .... is that enough...?

???? Please an example ;)

Thanks for all these questions. I am preparing the translator guide and I will insert all those issues in it and any future ones. Please send your questions here so we all can benefit from them.

In fact it is _very_ important to send your questions here rather than IRC for 2 main reasons:
1- The people working on the translation are all on the 'doc' list, but not necessarily on IRC.
2- The conversations on IRC are not archived. These 'doc' messages are archived so they are also available for future reference and when someone make a search on the website.

One other reason is that you are sure to have a quick answer here (in a few hours or less), even if your questions are "long". IRC is rather fine for one or two small little questions. And you are not sure that anybody is there.

Salam and keep sending your questions ;))


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