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Re: TODO draft for round-2 "Wordlist"

On Tuesday 12 August 2003 19:38, Nadim Shaikli wrote:

> FYI - I've already processed the 1000 words and the new content is in
> CVS (I believe we ended-up with 71 new terms total).  As for the script,
> its a quick and ugly hack that works (its not one of those scripts that
> is nice to look at and learn from) - I'll add to CVS as well.  You simply
> supply it a list of words and it reads all the full_wordlist_* files and
> creates new full_wordlist_*.po.new files.

Thanks Nadim.

Since the addition was not that much, may I remind all of us to look
after the files we are working on and ammend propper translations.

- Myself bottom to top
- Munzir M file
- Osama top to bottom

Ahmad Al-rasheedan (http://webhost.fasttelco.com/asr)