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Re: Product names, and abbriviations

On Thursday 31 January 2002 13:06,Mohammed Gamal wrote:
> Before anything I'd like to say it's better to
> transliterate KDE as (Keh Dee Ee) كي دي اي
> rather that (Keh Dee) كيدي because in this way we
> would be missing a letter which is the 'E' leaving the
> users thinknig that it's name is 'KD' not 'KDE'.

Well you have a point .. but I'd rther have it as one word كيدي than have it 
as ك د إ or ك.د.إ for the following reasons :
	- when it is not one word (letters seperted by points or spaces) the name 
will get cuted out and seperated by the word warp when it is at the end of a 
line  having the ك in one line and the د إ in another won't be a nice idea ..
	- I do not care about the original name as much as I make it easy to 
remembre and pronounce .. the KDE Team gave us the freedom to deal with it as 
we like .... and the translation of KDE as كيدي is not a letter to letter 
translation, rather a translaiton for how it is pronounced ..

keep in mind that in translation our number one priority is to keep the 
translation easy to understand, and as close as possible to any user's 
understnding .. no need to translate all the words that you find in the 
original string .. words like "occationly, However, nevertheless" and other 
connectors need NOT to be looked up in the dictionary to find the translation 
of.. instead read the string .. and FULLY understand it, and rewite it .. 
Translation is not a word-to-word conversion .. if it was so the easiest 
thing that we can do is to buy a copy of the Al-Waffi and translate files 
with clicks :-)


Isam Bayazidi
Amman - Jordan
 Think Linux + Think Arabic = Think www.arabeyes.org