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Re: Zekr & Quran Project

--- Mohsen Saboorian <mohsens at gmail dot com> wrote:
> This release has a number of new features over version 0.2.0 and works
> fine on Win32/Mac/Linux.
>   a.. Quran translation: different translations of the Quran can be
>       added to Zekr 
>   b.. Theme: you can customize your own theme or use 2 built-in themes
>       of the Quran browser. Themes also can be added to the app dynamically. 
>   c.. 4 different view layouts (Quran only, translation only, mixed and
>       separate) 
>   d.. Translation for search results
> There are 3 built-in translations (Shakir: English, Makarem: Farsi, and
> Kuliev: Russian). Please see release notes for more details on the release,
> or Zekr plan page for the project road map.


Sorry for the late reply and Barek Allah feek for this great work; since
I'm a bit removed from Arabeyes' Quran project (M.Yousif ?) and having
seen some of the screenshots I can see that there is great commonality
between the two efforts.  Could you please comment in that regard ?  Have
you looked at the code that is housed on Arabeyes [1] ?  Where do the
two projects differ/diverge ?

Regarding translations -- have you contacted anyone that was willing
to certify translations as valid/authentic (I'm unaware of an entity out
there that does this currently) ?  How do you maintain the data's
integrity ?  Are there are precautions in-place to make sure that the
data used is the intended proper one (what I'm thinking about is someone
maliciously creating a LiveCD say with modified data content claiming
its authentic, any way to protect against that ?).

If you are using the unicode encoding/charset (are you ?) have you
addressed some of the Unicode character issues which M.Yousif had posted
about on the 'general' mailing-list ?  If you are using a "self-mapped"
or non-standard encoding have you considered Unicode ?  In other words,
will anyone using mlterm/vim/emacs/etc be able to properly see all the
data files' contents on a simple terminal sans the GUIs ?

I'd love to hear how Zekr and Arabeyes' Quran project differ and what
sort of effort is involved in bringing them closer together to better
utilize our community's limited resources.

[1] http://www.arabeyes.org/project.php?proj=Quran

Thoughts/comments/ideas ?

 - Nadim

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