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Re: error at booting from CD

--- souhail sou <souhailfighter at yahoo dot fr> wrote:
> salam 3alikom

wa 3alaikum assalam

>  i create a image iso (kaella-knoppix) :
>   I personnalize it : I install  the package  of translation  :kde-i81n_ar
>  then i burn it
>  when i boot from CD 
>  after
>  this message  is affiched  
>   modprobe :FATAL could not read 
> lib/modules/2.6.11/kernel//fs/ntfs/ntfs.ko/NOT a  DIRECTORY   
>  this error can be come from the installation of  kde-i81n_ar ?

No. Totally unrelated.

>  please help me and thank you

While I cannot know how you did this configuration, I know that:
- ntfs.ko is the ntfs driver (read-only).
- there is an error in your configuration, probably in modprobe.conf

As both these are kernel/drivers issues, and kde-i18n-ar is a translation
package, it is not the problem.
I would suggest that you check the kernel you are using. Is the distro you are
using different than the live cd you are making, and do they have different
kernels (one having the ntfs module)? Note that ntfs is the file system driver
for the Windows NTFS file system..

Muhammad Alkarouri

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