While looking for hijri calendar references, I found your project.
I'm very impressed, thanks for the job.
I have no direct usage for it but working on a new date extension
for php (will be in php 5.1) and my plans is to add support for non
gregorian calendars.
Instead of reinventing the wheel and doing something without real
clue, I'm wondering if I can use directly your library (itl).
My idea is to bundle the sources in the php cvs repository and sync
the changes when required.
The licence used by itl is compatible with the PHP Licences.
If some of you have interest to contribute directly to the php
support, you are more than welcome :).
Opinions comments or suggestions welcome.
Best regards,
Date extension:
web: http://pecl.php.net/package/date_time
CVS: http://cvs.php.net/pecl/date/
ps: I'm not subscribe to any of your list, please contact me using
this mail
Developer mailing list
Developer at arabeyes dot org