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compiled version of libqte.2.3.6 instead of 2.3.10 ??

Assalamu 'akaykum
I just get an Archos PMA430 it is based on Qtopia1.7 QTE2.3.6 except that the File system is designed to be reinitialized on reboot to default value.
It is a way to ensure that the device will always recover in a "stable state".
So it is very closed to a Z sharp zaurus, indeede many Z applications works on it after a reworks of the ipkg file to change some paths reference.
see http://www.kevinboone.com/pma430.html
So I d like to add support to it for arabic, I already begin to port an windows  application (in fact I rewrite the appli cause I did not get the source from the author)
this application is "barnamaj ahl al-hadeeth" it is available in sahab.net
So all is already working as I wanted, except to display arabic text :)
So after some googling I just find your project. :))
So I d like to know if you could make a compiled version of the qte2.3.6 with your patchs
Barakaallahu fika akhi
Abu abillah al-faransi