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Re: Quran Project

--- Meor Ridzuan Meor Yahaya <meory at yahoo dot com> wrote:
> Last few weeks I've been working on the quran files.
> So far, i've comleted updating xml file for sura 1-9
> (covering 1/3 of the quran). It would not take much
> time to complete the whole quran (maybe 1 more week)
> I've also modified the arabeyes-qr font, mostly
> opentype tables and some glyhp updated. While working
> on that, I decided to recreate the whole font,
> basically by taking the scan pages of the quran. I've
> completed that also. So, I think we can complete the
> quran project asap, then verify the quran text.

Are you able to CVS ?  Have you requested a commit account ?
Since M.Yousif is in charge of the project we'll have to get
his OK of course but since he works in spurts it might be
worth while to upload to a 'tmp' directory within the quran
project so that your valuable work isn't lost.

> However, there are a few issues still needs to be
> addressed:
> 1. the sequential tanween. So far, I've tried many
> things but could not solved all the problems relating
> to it, basically the shaping behaviour of a character
> before and after the tanween. The problem get worse
> when combine with shadda , and also the formation of
> lam alef ligature. Anybody have any idea how to solve
> this is greatly appreciated.

Is it were its own character, wouldn't this be solved ?
Use a location in the "private" area of the address space
in the font.

This and other issues, as you well know, have gotten lots
of attention from M.Yousif (enough for him to have a proposal
on the table that hasn't been submitted yet - when you are
ready maybe you could review and comment).

> 2. Small letters. This I think is still a problem, but
> not as problematic as no-1. It just need to get
> standardise.
> So, appreciate anyone in this list to give suggestion
> to further the development of the project.
> I would like to upload my file, but currently I could
> not access to any server to upload it. Any help are
> welcome.

As noted, we'll need to work on your CVS access and the best
way to do that is via IRC (if you are able to login to it)
else we can proceed via private email to get you all setup
(I doubt others would be interested in CVS access and setup

Salam & sorry for the delay.

 - Nadim

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